বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Honours 2nd Year Result www.nubd.info

Honours 2nd Year Result 2011 www.nubd.info
 Honours 2nd Year Result 2011 www.nubd.info www admission nu bd net result nu edu bd
National University (NU) is a Government University of Bangladesh. National University is one of the largest public Universities in Bangladesh. National University conducted many of the courses such as academic course and also professional course. The academic course is Degree pass, Honours, Masters; also professional course is MBA, LLB, AMT, FDT, NMT etc. All courses are conducted by National University. National University is administrative bodies of Degree pass colleges and University College. All admission process and Examination conducted by National University. Honours 2nd Year Exam already end. Honours 2nd Year Exam was held on16th February 2013 and continues 3rd April 2013.     This university situated in Boadbazar, Gazipur and also near Open University. It has no other branch. All administrative responsibilities are done by centrally. This university also procedures all certificate and mark sheet. Honours 2nd Year Result 2011

Honours 2nd Year Result 2011:

NU Honours 2nd Year Result 2011. Honours 2nd Year Result for the academic session 2010-11 under National University Bangladesh will be found here. National University Honours 2nd Year started on February 16 and end on April 3, 2013. Now it is time for National University to publish Honours 2nd Year Result 2011.
The exact date of Honours 2nd Year Result publication is not known yet. Most probably National University Honours 2nd Year Result 2011 will be published on last week of August 2013.

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